Dr. Luce is offering the training he gives to all his Flutefinity performers to all students in the Fred Fox School of Music! This class isn’t a technology class, it is the “how to” record class. Questions will be asked, answered, and this hand’s-on class will provide experience in:
What tempos work for a given piece of music?
What is rubato and tenuto, anyway?
How do I ensure that the recording reflects my personal musical style and intentions?
How do I get the best performance from collaborators?
What type of recording method is appropriate for a given genre?
Contact Dr. Luce, directly, if you are interested in learning how to create musical product!
The information for the 2017-2018 UA Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Philharmonic Orchestra, and Wind Symphony will occur on August 19, 2017 from 9:00AM - 12:00 PM. Go to the UA Bands website for details. Read More...